Tile Roofs in Seattle Require Maintenance
Neglected tile roofs don't just look bad...
Fungus, mold, mildew, moss and algae all quickly and persistently
break down the surface of your roof. Left to fester their
root structure will eat away at your roof in a variety of
- Lifts the edges of your tile on allowing water
- dam and wick up,
- run sideways underneath until it finds a weakness
in the felt (and finds its way into your attic),
- or make your roof more susceptible to high wind
-- ripping the shakes clean off.
- Moss grows primarily on the dirt as food, but the
rhizomes penetrate the concrete, causing cracks in your
- Moss soaks up water, keeping your roof almost permanently
wet -- promoting further fungus, mold & algae growth
and causing serious freeze/thaw issues.